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What can you do in Sorsele in your spare time? Many of us spend leisure time on hanging out with friends, skiing, snowmobiling, hunting, fishing and spending time in nature. 

Being active

From the lofty mountains of Vindelfjällen in the west down to the primeval lowland forest in Övre Juktådalen, with several rivers and larger waterways, the municipality offers fantastic opportunities for extraordinary nature and cultural experiences.

Sorsele Municipality has a population density of about 0.3 people per km², which means that we’re all very close to nature, making it easy to enjoy many outdoor pursuits, such as hunting, fishing, skiing, hiking and cycling.

The municipality has many clubs and associations, an active population that appreciates spending time in nature and a broad range of activities, non-profit and commercial. A large part of the municipality is protected nature, comprising forest and mountain areas as well as the rivers running like veins through the municipality, such as the Vindel River, the Lais River, Gargån and Juktån. All offering endless opportunities for recreation, physical activity and adventure. Experience Sorsele!

Kultur och fritid i Sorsele kommun

Villagers and events

Sorsele/Suorssá is a geographically large municipality with many bustling villages.

In addition to the main town, Ammarnäs/Gávtsjávrrie, Blattnicksele/Blahnage and Gargnäs/Dráhkie are large villages with active village associations. Sámi Week and the Potato Festival in Ammarnäs, the homecoming weekend in Sorsele, the Ice Festival in Blattnicksele and the Red Wolf Festival in Gargnäs are a few of the popular annual events organised in the municipality.

In addition to all this, thanks to our highly active non-profit associations and clubs and the municipality, residents can choose from a large cultural offering. Music, theatre, storytelling, handicrafts – the next club meeting is never far off.