Sorsele Municipality has preschools in four locations: Ammarnäs, Blattnicksele, Gargnäs and Sorsele.
The preschool in Blattnicksele has two groups with a focus on outdoor education, wherein each child develops by means of outdoor pursuits, play, movement, excitement and experiences engaging all the senses and with nature as a playground and source of knowledge. However, having nature on our doorstep means that even the preschools without a pronounced outdoor focus spend a great deal of time outside and incorporate nature in their activities.
Sorsele also has a private preschool with a focus on sustainability.
What is preschool about?
In Sweden, the aim of preschool is to encourage child development and learning and to offer safe childcare while parents are working or studying or to meet a child’s needs due to other circumstances affecting the family’s situation.
All children have the right to attend preschool from the age of one, and even if the parents aren’t working or studying, the child is entitled to attend preschool fifteen hours a week. Preschool accepts children aged one to five for a maximum of twelve hours a day. Sorsele Municipality cannot currently offer childcare in the evenings or on weekends.
All children, regardless of their parents’ occupation, are entitled to general preschool from the autumn term of the year in which they turn three. General preschool encompasses 525 free hours a year scheduled during the school terms. Over and above this number of hours, preschool is associated with costs for the additional time the child spends at preschool. This cost is differentiated and depends on the parents’ income and how many children they have at preschool. Accordingly, income information must be provided when applying for preschool places for your children. There is a ceiling for the monthly fee, known as the maximum fee.